Recipe: Tiramisu Cream Cake

Serves: 10 persons

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes


For the cake dough:

2 eggs

1/3 cup or 70g caster sugar

½ teaspoon vanilla essence

½ cup or 70g plain flour, sifted

For the cream:

2/3 cup or 165ml fresh liquid cream

1 tin 397g NESTLÉ Sweetened

Condensed Milk

2 ½ cups or 500g mascarpone cheese

2 tablespoons gelatin powder dissolved

in 5 tablespoons of hot water

3 tablespoons NESCAFÉ gold coffee

dissolved in ¾ cup or 185ml hot water

1½ tablespoons cocoa powder


Whisk the eggs and caster sugar for 6-8 minutes or until it thickens,

then mix in the vanilla essence.

Sift the flour over the egg mixture in three stages. Use a metal spoon to

gently fold the mixture together.

Pour the mixture into a 22cm greased and floured round tin. Bake in a

190°C preheated oven for 20 minutes or until when inserting a skewer

in the center it comes out clean. Then move out onto a wire rack to


In a bowl, combine fresh liquid cream, NESTLÉ Sweetened Condensed

Milk and Mascarpone cheese. Mix until the mixture is smooth and

almost firm then pour over the dissolved gelatin and stir constantly until

well combined.

Cut and throw away 1 cm from the edges of the cake and then slice it

into 2 layers. Place one layer of cake over the bottom of 22cm cake tin

and spoon ½ quantity of the melted NESCAFÉ gold coffee. Pour over

evenly ½ of the cream mixture. Repeat the layering process ending

with cream mixture.

Chill for 3 hours or until the cake is firm, after that dust with cocoa

powder and remove from tin. Slice and serve.

Tip: Keep the fresh liquid cream in the refrigerator because the

temperature should stay between 3°C to 5°C in order to be whipped.

Abstracted from Nestle website...


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