
Showing posts from July, 2011

Recipe: Garlic Fried Rice

Ingredients (serves 4): -------------------------- 3 tbsp canola oil 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 6 bowls cooked Japanese (short-grain) rice 1 tsp granulated chicken stock 2 tbsp light soya sauce A handful of dried nori seaweed, sliced A handful of bonito flakes Method: ----------- 1. Heat the wok until smoking hot. Add the oil and heat until it shimmers. Fry the garlic until fragrant. Then add the rice and stock powder and toss well. 2. Add the soya sauce and mix vigorously until the rice grains are coated evenly. 3. Remove from heat. Sprinkle with seaweed and bonito flakes and serve hot. Tips: --------- Freshly cooked rice becomes sticky when fried. Instead, use leftover rice or three parts uncooked rice to four parts water to cook Japanese rice for frying.

Recipe: Steamed Cod Fish With Black Bean Sauce

Steamed Cod Fish With Black Bean Sauce 1 medium-size cod fish (or seabass or garoupa) Sauce: 40g black bean 40g spring onions (chopped) 40g garlic (diced) 40g soya sauce 40g thick soya sauce 50g sugar 60g water 10g corn starch 10g sesame oil 10g red chilli (diced) 5g monosodium glutamate Method: Clean the cod fish and cut into pieces. Place on a plate. Mix ingredients for sauce and spread it on the fish. Steam the fish for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe: Herb Garlic Bread

Herb-Garlic Bread Ingredients: 1 French loaf 120g butter — softened 3 cloves garlic — pounded 1 tbsp chopped parsley 1/2 tsp mixed herbs 1/2 tsp ground black pepper Method: SLICE French loaf diagonally at about 1cm intervals but do not cut right through so that the loaf is still joined at the base. Combine butter and the rest of the ingredients and mix together. Spread the garlic butter on both sides of the bread slices. Wrap buttered loaf in aluminium tin foil. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 10 to 15 minutes. Open the foil and heat through for another 2 to 3 minutes and you will get a crisp crust. Serve garlic bread immediately with mushroom soup or a warm stew.    

Recipe: Honey Melon Smoothie

Honeydew Melon Smoothie 1 cup diced honeydew melon 250 ml/1cup cold milk (low-fat, if you prefer) 2 tbsp sugar cup ice cubes Place all ingredients in the jug of an electric blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses and serve immediately.

Recipe: No-Bake Chocolate Cheese Cakes

Special Consideration: Quick & Easy Servings: 2 Description: Uses an Oreo cookie as the crust. - You can use other type of crust / other type of cookies. Chill Time: 2 Hours Ingredients: 1. 2 ounces Cream Cheese, softened 2. 1 tbsp Sugar 3. 1 square Semi Sweet Baking Chocolate, melted 4. 1/2 cup Whipping cream 5. 2 Oreo cookies Method: 1. Beat cream cheese, sugar & chocolate in a medium bowl with a wire whisk until well blended. 2. Add whipped topping; mix well. - If you’re using whipping cream / heavy cream, you’ll need to whip the whipping cream first, unless you buy those whipped cream. Don’t over-whip otherwise it’ll end up as butter. 3. Place 1 cookie on the bottom of each of 2 paper-lined medium muffin cups; fill evenly with cream cheese mixture. 4. Refrigerate 2 hours or overnight.

Recipe: Steam chicken with Dang Gui Tou (当归头)

Ingredients 1. ½ Chicken 2. 1 tablespoon Sesame oil 3. ½ tablespoon Soya sauce 4. ½ teaspoon salt 5. ½ tablespoon rice wine (hua tiao 花雕) 6. 5 slices of Dang Gui Tou (当归头) (adjust the amount for stronger or weaker taste) Method 1. Rub with chicken with salt, and wash and drain chicken, this will remove some unpleasant smell of the chicken. Cut into smaller chucks. 2. Rub in with ½ teaspoon salt. Marinate with soya sauce, sesame oil, and rice wine. 3. Lay on steaming plate, and evenly insert the dang gui in between the chucks. 4. Steam over high heat for 15 mins. 5. Serve hot with a dash of sesame oil

Recipe: Beancurd Salt Fish Soup

Ingredients 250g salt fish bones, chopped into chunky pieces 100g chicken meat, cubed 200g semi-soft beancurd, cut into 3 to 4cm cubes 5cm piece mature ginger, sliced thickly 2 stalks spring onions, cut into 4cm lengths 1-1/2 litres water or chicken stock Seasoning 1/2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp chicken stock granules WASH and soak salt fish pieces in clear water for 30 to 40 minutes. Drain well. Deep-fry salt fish in hot oil for 5 to 6 minutes. Dish out and set aside. Marinate chicken with saltand pepper, and leave aside for 10 to 15 minutes. Bring water or chicken stock to a boil. Add deep-fried salt fish pieces and ginger, and bring to a boil. Simmer soup over a gentle heat for 20 minutes until fish is tender. Add chicken and cook for 7 to 8 minutes until chicken is cooked. Stir in beancurd gently and cook over a medium-low heat until soup comes to a boil. Add spring onions and seasoning. Serve soup hot.

Recipe: Deep fried chicken

Deep-fried Chicken 2 chicken thighs, boned Marinade 1 tbsp oyster sauce dash of pepper 1 tsp sugar 1 tbsp ginger juice 1 tbsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiau cooking wine (optional) 1 egg, lightly beaten Combine 3 tbsp corn flour 1 tbsp rice flour 100g breadcrumbs Clean chicken thigh pieces well. Pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper then season with marinade for several hours or preferably overnight. Sprinkle marinated chicken with combined flour mixture, then dip into beaten egg. Toss in breadcrumbs and deep-fry in hot oil till crispy and golden. Drain chicken on absorbent kitchen paper then cut into bite-sized pieces.  

Recipe: Roast Pork Belly (烧肉) in Dark Soya Sauce

Ingredients 1. 1 slice roast pork (can vary, about 300 grams) 2. 1 tablespoon dark soya sauce 3. 2 tablespoon light soya sauce 4. 2 tablespoon sugar 5. 1/3 cup water Method 1. Cut the roast pork into small pieces. 2. When the wok is warm (not too hot) add in the pork and increase the heat, pan fry the roast pork till the oil comes out, and the skin crispy. (you don’t need to put oil, the fats will release the oil while you cook, but important to put in the pork when wok not too hot, so that it don’t stick immediately to the wok) 3. Mix ingredient 2 to 5 in bowl. Pour into the wok and boil with the roast pork for 2 mins. 4. Serve Hot.

Recipe: 'Siu Mai' (Meat Dumplings)

Ingredients: 20 pieces round 'wantan' skin Filling (A) 225g lean meat — minced 75g diced fatty pork 150g prawns — diced 1 black mushroom — soaked and chopped finely 2 water chestnuts — minced (squeeze out excess water) Seasoning: 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/4 tsp monosodium glutamate A dash of pepper 1 egg white 1/2 tbsp sesame oil 1 1/2 tbsp tapioca flour Garnishing: 1-2 tbsp cooked crab roe Method: COMBINE (A) in a mixing bowl. Add in seasoning ingredients and combine well. Form into a ball and slap mixture against the sides of the bowl till it is sticky. Refrigerate mixture for 40 to 60 minutes. Put 2 teaspoons of the filling in the centre of each 'wantan' skin. Gather the edge of the wrapper together so that only the top of the filling is seen. Place dumplings on a greased bamboo steaming rack. Sprinkle the top of each dumpling with crab roe. Steam for 10 to 12 minutes. Footnote : If crab

Recipe: Fruity Yummy Smoothie

Ingredients: -------------- 6 medium ripe bananas 1 tbsp honey 200ml milk 150gm yogurt 1 can chilled orange juice 1tbsp lemon juice Crushed ice cubes Combine ingredients in a blender; blend for 2 minutes or until well mixed. Pour into chilled tall glasses. Serve immediately


150 g chilled sirloin or rib eye steak Generous sprinkling of crushed black peppercorns 1 tbsp oil Salt to taste 1 tbsp butter 5-6 fresh shiitake or button mushrooms, thickly sliced 3-4 tbsp cream (or milk) 1. Rub and pat crushed peppercorns on the steak. Heat oil in a heavy-based frying pan over high heat and pan-fry the steak for approximately 2 minutes per side (3 minutes if you prefer your steak well done). Remove steak onto serving plate and keep somewhere warm. Prepare the mushroom sauce. 2. Heat butter over medium heat (in the same pan used for the steak). Stir-fry the mushrooms. When they begin to wilt (after a minute or two), pour in the cream (or milk, if dad is calorie-conscious). Season with a touch of salt and pepper. Take the pan off the heat as soon as the sauce boils. Pour immediately over the steak and serve. Mashed potatoes and a simple salad are good accompaniments to the steak. (Recipe above is for a single serving; double or triple as requ

Recipe: Cream of mushroom soup

Ingredients: 350g fresh button mushrooms, thinly sliced 50g butter 1 onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tbsp plain flour 550ml chicken stock soup 150ml UHT milk Dash of salt and pepper 100ml whipping cream 1 tbsp chopped parsley Method: Melt butter in a saucepan. Fry the onion, garlic and mushrooms until soft. Sprinkle flour over and stir briskly. Slowly pour in chicken stock, then milk, stirring continuously to blend. Bring to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper and remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool slightly then puree contents in a blender or food processor. Put pureed soup into the saucepan and add the cream. Stir well to mix. Reheat the soup over a gentle flame, do not allow to boil. Pour soup out into soup bowls. Garnish with some chopped parsley.

Recipe: Goreng Pisang

Ingredients: 100 g rice flour 30 g plain flour 1 level tbsp sugar ¼ level tsp salt 1 ½ tbsp sesame seeds 150 ml water 1 bunch cooking bananas such as pisang abu, pisang raja or pisang awak Oil for deep frying Method: In a small mixing bowl, combine the rice and plain flours, sugar, salt and sesame seeds. Stir in the water to make smooth batter. Peel bananas and cut into halves lengthwise. Heat oil in a wok or saucepan over medium heat. (Oil should be about 4 cm deep.) When hot, dip the bananas into the batter and slip them into the hot oil. Fry a few pieces at a time until golden brown on one side and then turn over to brown the other. Carefully remove from the oil as they cook and drain on absorbent paper. Serve warm.    

Recipe: Doughnuts

Ingredients: 250g plain flour, sift 1/4 tsp salt 150ml warm UHT milk 30g fresh yeast 2 1/2 tbsp castor sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten Enough oil for deep-frying Method: Put sifted flour, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix well, then make a well in the centre. Combine yeast and milk together then set aside for 3 to 4 minutes to allow milk to turn frothy. Pour frothy milk into the flour gradually, then add egg. Mix well and knead into a dough. Cover with a slightly damp tea towel and set aside to rise for 35 to 45 minutes or until dough doubles in size. Press down dough and knead lightly. If dough is too sticky, add an extra 100g to 125g plain flour and mix until smooth. Roll out dough on a lightly-floured surface to about 2cm thick. Cut out dough with a doughnut cutter. Place cut-out doughnuts aside for 40 to 45 minutes or until they have risen. Deep-fry doughnuts in hot oil until golden brown. Drain well on absorbent kitchen paper. Dredge in castor sugar.  

Recipe: Sugee Cookies

Sugee Cookies Ingredients: 150g butter 100g castor sugar ½ tsp vanilla essence ¼ tsp almond essence 150g plain flour, sifted 110g sugee Almonds, halved Method: Preheat oven to 180°C. Line cookie trays with non-stick baking paper. Beat butter, sugar and essences until light and fluffy. Stir in sifted flour and sugee. Mix well to blend. Roll mixture into small balls, the size of small marbles. Flatten slightly and press a half almond into the centre. Place on prepared cookie sheets and bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden. Remove and place on wire racks to cool.    

Recipe: French Loaf

French Loaf Ingredients: 350g High Protein flour 1 tbsp instant dry yeast 1 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 250ml water 25g butter or corn oil 5 tsp milk powder For glaze (combine these 2 ingredients): 1 egg white — lightly beaten 1 tbsp water Method: SIFT flour and milk powder into a mixing bowl. Add yeast and sugar and blend for a minute on low speed. Stir in water and salt and continue to mix for 1 minute on low speed, using a dough hook. Blend in butter or corn oil and mix on medium speed for 7 to 8 minutes. Knead until dough turns smooth and elastic. Remove dough to a lightly oiled basin and prove covered for 1/2 to 1 hour or until the dough is risen. Punch down the dough and knead by hand for 1 minute. Scale the dough into 3 equal portions of 160g each. Rest the balls of dough for 5 minutes. Flatten or roll each piece of dough into a 22cm x 20cm rectangle. Then roll up firmly into a long sausage shape (about 24cm long). Taper the ends and place the roll, seam

Recipe: Egg Tarts

Ingredients: Rich short crust pastry 250g cold butter, cubed 50g icing sugar 1 egg yolk Sift 360g plain flour 2 tbsp custard powder Egg custard filling 310ml hot water 230g castor sugar 1 tbsp evaporated milk 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp vanilla essence 6 eggs Method: Combine butter, sugar and egg yolk in a mixing bowl and beat until creamy. Add in sifted flour and custard powder and combine until the dough turns pliable. Set aside for half an hour. Put dough in between two plastic sheets and roll out to about 3 – 4mm thickness. Use a pastry cutter to cut out rounds from the sheet of pastry to fit aluminium foil tart moulds. Place the pastry rounds in the moulds, pressing down the sides to make them fit evenly. Prick with a fork to ensure that the base remains flat after baking. For the filling, add sugar to the hot water. Stir well to dissolve the sugar, then add in evaporated milk, salt and essence, and mix. Break eggs into a bowl and stir lightly w

Recipe: Crepe Sandwich Sushi

Crepe Sandwich Sushi – Serving: 1 piece Ingredients • 1pc Roasted Seaweed Sheet • 40g Grilled Eel • 40g Japanese Cucumber • 80g Sushi Rice • 1pc Crepe • 20g Japanese Mayonnaise Method 1. Cut roasted seaweed sheet into 18.5cm x 10.25cm 2. To prepare grilled eel 3. Cut grilled eel into slices 4. Cut cucumber into slices 5. Spread out sushi rice evenly on seaweed sheet 6. Place a piece of crepe on top of sushi rice. Flip over and cut into half diagonally 7. Place cucumber and grilled eel before spreading mayonnaise on half of the sushi rice sandwich. Cover with the other half of the sandwich and serve.

Confinement Recipe: Black Dates Tea

Black Dates Tea Ingredients: 12 red dates, pitted 15 black dates 15g dried longan flesh 20g tong sam 1.5 litres water Method: COMBINE all ingredients in a slow cooker and boil on slow heat, preferably overnight. Serve the tea warm as a drink to the new mother.  

Recipe: Mango and Pomelo Dessert

Mango and Pomelo Dessert Makes 4 servings Ingredients: 200 g mango, diced small pomelo 150 ml coconut cream, canned 800 ml low-fat 2% milk 1/2 cup granulated sugar 4 stalks pandan leaves pinch salt Method: BRING milk to a boil together with pandan leaves and sugar. Stir in salt and coconut cream, bring it back to the boil and turn off flame. Cool and chill in the refrigerator. Spoon in mangoes and pomelo sacs before serving in individual bowls.

Recipe: Hong Zao Rice Wine (红糟米酒)

Ingredients 1. 1 Kg glutinous rice 2. 2 sweet yeast cakes (甜酒饼) 3. 2 strong yeast cakes (烈酒饼) 4. 3 tablespoon of red yeast rice (红曲) 5. 1 small bottle good quality rice wine. 6. water Method 1. For the red yeast rice, you can get it from Chinese Medicine shops. 2. For the yeast cakes, in Singapore, some provision shops sell them. Ask around the shops above Waterloo Street market, you will find them. 3. Wash the glutinous rice and lay them on a big flat baking tray. Fill with water until the water just over the rice. 4. Steam with high heat, and every 15 mins, open up and stir and loosen it, and sprinkle water on it. Repeat this 4 times (almost 1.5 hour). Apparently this step will cook the rice evenly and very loose instead of caking together. 5. Allow it to cool down completely, very important. 6. Using the side of a glass bottle, or anything that can grind the yeast into powder form. 7. Lay the cooked rice flat on a clean and dry big tray. Spread it

Confinement Recipe: Black Bean Herbal Soup

Ingredients: 1 black chicken (600g) 50g black beans, pan-fried without oil Herbs 15g wai san 15g kei ehee 15g tong sum 15g pak kay 10g dried longan flesh 6 red dates, pitted 600ml hot water Seasoning 1 tsp salt (optional) Method: RINSE all the herbs, longans and dates and drain. Gut chicken and wash thoroughly. Cut into four pieces. Rinse and drain. Put all the ingredients into a double-boiler pot. Add the hot water. Cover and double-boil for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Add salt, if preferred, and serve soup hot.

Recipe: Spaghetti Ai Funghi (Mushroom in Cream Sauce)

Ingredients (serve 2) 1. 1/3 -1/2 packet spaghetti 2. 500ml full cream milk 3. 10 dried shitake mushroom 4. ½ tea spoon salt 5. 4 garlic 6. 4 table spoon olive oil 7. some cracked black pepper (optional) 8. grated cheese (optional) Method 1. Boil the spaghetti in water till the desired softness. Put aside. 2. Rinse the mushroom, and soak the mushroom for 3 hours. Cut away the stem (keep it to boil the soup for other dishes). Slice the mushroom thinly. 3. Remove the skin of garlic, and cut into small pieces. 4. In a frying pan, heat up olive oil, add garlic and mushroom and fry till fragrant. 5. Pour in milk and the water used to soak the mushroom, add in salt and let it boil for about 5 mins in high heat or till the milk becomes thick. (use maximum heat to boil and allow the milk to dry and thickens) 6. Briefly soak the spaghetti in hot boiling water (so that does not stick together and also it becomes hot and don’t cool down the sauce), and drain it a

Recipe: Bean curd skin, barley and ginkgo dessert (腐竹薏米白果糖水)

Ingredients (Serve 6) 1. 1/3 cup barley 2. 1/2 packet bean curd skin (三边腐竹) 3. 5-8 red dates 4. 6 bowls water 5. 30-40 ginkgo nuts or 1 can of ginkgo nuts 6. Sugar to taste 7. 2 or 3 pandan leaves 8. 1 egg (optional) Method 1. Prepare the ginkgo nuts as given in prepare ginko 2. Crush (using hands) the bean curd skin into very tiny pieces when it is dry and crispy. The pieces should be very small, about 1-2 mm size. 3. Wash the barley and red dates. Put in a pot with water and boil for 1 hour. 4. Add in sugar to taste (or the sugar solution used to prepare the ginkgo nuts). 5. Add in the crushed bean curd skin and boil for 3-5 minutes. Put in pandan leaves and boil for another minute, off flame. 6. Optional, you may beat an egg in a bowl. Just before turning off the flame, pour the egg in slowly and stirring slowly at the same time. Pouring slowly and stirring slowly prevent the egg from cooking into lumps. 7. Serve into bowl, and add in the ginkgo

Recipe: Fudgy Chocolate Layer Cake

Ingredients 1.5 sticks Butter 2 Squares unsweetened chocolate 2.25 cups All purpose flour 2 cups Sugar 1/4 Cupunsweetened cocoa powder 2 tsps Baking soda 1 tsp Salt 1.75 cups Buttermilk 2 eggs at Room temperature 3/4 cup Whipping cream 1.5 cups Semi sweet chocolate chips Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour tow 9 inch round cake pans. In a saucepan, melt butter and chocolate, stirring over low heat. 2. Combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt in large bowl of electric mixer. Add chocolate mixture, buttermilk and eggs. Beat on low speed for 1 minute; increase speed to high and beat until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. 3. Divide batter between cake pans. Bake until cakes spring back when gently pressed, 25-30 minutes. Cool in pans 5 minutes; invert onto wire rack. 4. Meanwhile, bring cream to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate chips; mix until frosting is smooth and starts to thicken. 5. Pldac

Confinement Recipe: Pig Trotters with Ginger and Black Vinegar (猪脚姜醋)

Ingredients 1. 1.5 Kg ginger 2. 1.5 litres black vinegar ( 2 bottles - bottle with a bulldog in front) 3. 1.5 litres water, (2 bottles) 4. 4-5 Pig legs 5. 150 gm rock sugar, about 2 pieces 6. 1 tablespoon salt 7. 4 table spoon sesame oil Method Day 1 1. If you want the ginger with the skin on, which is recommended for consumption by women who have just given birth, to get rid of wind) wash the ginger buy brushing the skin. Otherwise, scrape off the skin of the ginger. 2. Cut the ginger into chunks, hit with side of the cleaver to crack it slightly. 3. Heat up a frying pan, add in sesame oil. Pan fry the ginger till fragrant. 4. In a pot, pour in the black vinegar, water, rock sugar, salt, and the ginger. Allow it to boil for 15 mins. Off the flame and let it soaks overnight. Method Day 2 and beyond 1. Clean the pig trotters and remove hairs if any. 2. Boil the pig trotters in a big pot of boiling water for 10 mins to remove the smell and also the bloo

Recipe: Frog leg claypot rice

Claypot Tien Kai Fun (Claypot Padi Frog Rice) 200g padi frogs ( tien kai ), cleaned and cut into serving pieces 200g fragrant long grain rice, washed and drained 400ml water 1 tbsp oil 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp shredded ginger 1 tsp chopped garlic A few drops dark soy sauce Marinade (A) 1 tbsp premium oyster sauce 1 tbsp light soy sauce 1/8 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar 1/4 tsp pepper 2 tbsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiau cooking wine (optional) 1 tbsp ginger juice 1 tsp sesame oil Marinade (B) 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp corn oil Garnishing Chopped spring onions and Chinese parsley Chilli strips Method: Season rice with marinade (B) and set aside. Season padi frogs with marinade (A) for 30 minutes. Put rice into a claypot, add enough water and bring to a boil. Cook rice till the water almost dries up. Heat oil and sesame oil in a wok, fry ginger and garlic till fragrant. Add the marinated frogs and fry briskly. Add a few drops of dark soy sauce

Recipe: Banana Muffins

Ingredients: 60g butter, melted 2 eggs, beat lightly 250ml UHT milk 1 tsp vanilla essence 250g self-raising flour 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 125g chopped walnuts 55g castor sugar 2 large ripe bananas, mash Topping 250g cream cheese, at room temperature 1 tbsp icing sugar 2 tbsp plain yoghurt Method: Preheat oven to 210°C. Lightly grease a muffin pan. Combine melted butter, milk, eggs and essence in a mixing bowl. Gradually sift in flour and bicarbonate of soda and add in chopped nuts and sugar. Mix evenly. Stir in mashed bananas and mix. (Do not overdo the mixing.) Spoon mixture into muffin pan to three-quarters full and bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove and leave in wire racks to cool. Spread with cream cheese topping, if desired. To make the topping Beat cream cheese with a hand-held electric mixer until softened. Add icing sugar and yoghurt and continue to beat until smooth and well-combined.

Recipe: Steamed Fatt Koh

Ingredients Sift (twice) 275g plain flour 1 tsp double action baking powder 3 eggs 225g castor sugar 160ml ice-cream soda Method: Whisk eggs and sugar till light, creamy and thick, then fold in the sifted flour gradually in two batches.Slowly stir in ice-cream soda to mix. Line patty tins with paper cups. Spoon batter into the paper cups until three-quarters full. Put in a steamer and steam over rapidly boiling water for 15 to 18 minutes or until the surface of the cakes splits open. To prevent the steamed fatt koh from getting any water dripping, try wrapping the steamer cover with a tea towel.

Recipe: Love Letters (Egg Roll, 鸡蛋卷)

Ingredients (about 400-500 sticks) 1. 15 eggs 2. 1 kg wheat flour (面粉) 3. 1 tablespoon glutinous rice flour (糯米粉) 4. 3 tablespoon rice flour (尖米粉) 5. 1 kg fine sugar 6. 1250 ml thick coconut milk (about 5 coconuts if you are squeezing from grated coconut flesh or you can buy packet ones from supermarket) 7. 750 ml water (approx) 8. Cooking oil Method 1. In a mixing bowl, add in sugar and crack all the eggs in. Using a mixer (motorized or manual), beat it till it rise and turn pale. 2. Mix the flour together and sieve. 3. Using a big spoon, stir in the flour bit by bit into the mixture, making sure it does not lump up. When it is too thick, add in some coconut milk. Repeat adding flour, stir and add coconut milk, until all the flour has been stirred in into smooth thick creamy mixture. 4. Add in all the coconut milk and slowly add in water bit by bit and stir to dilute the mixture into a mixture that thick but not too thick, something close to how melte

Recipe: Steamed Savoury Glutinous Rice

Steamed Savoury Glutinous Rice 200g chicken — deboned and cut into strips 100g lean port — cut into strips Marinade (A) 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tsp light soya sauce 1 tsp ginger juice 1/2 tsp sugar 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp dark soya sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiew wine 1/2 tsp corn flour 3 black mushrooms — soaked and halved 1 Chinese sausage (optional) — sliced 4 shallots — sliced 3 tbsp oil 300g glutinous rice — soak overnight and drain well Seasoning (B) 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp oyster sauce 1 tsp light soya sauce 1 tsp Chinese wine Method: MARINATE chicken and meat with (A) for at least an hour. Steam glutinous rice for 45 minutes. Remove from the steamer and add in seasoning (B), then mix well. Heat oil in a wok, lightly brown the shallots; add the mushrooms and stir fry well for 1 minute. Lightly grease 5 to 6 small rice bowls. Arrange chicken meat, lean meat, mushroom and sausage at the bottom of the bowl. T

Recipe: Portuguese Egg Tarts

Ingredients For pastry dough: Pastry (A) 80g plain flour 75g melted butter Pastry (B) 80g plain flour 1 tsp milk powder 1 tsp sugar l/4 tsp salt 1 tbsp corn oil 1 egg yolk 2 tbsp ice-cold water For cream cheese filling: 100g whipping cream 55g sugar 1 piece cheddar cheese--chop finely 125ml UHT milk 2 eggs--beat lightly Pinch of salt 1/4 tsp vanilla essence Method To make the pastry: Sift flour (A) into a mixing bowl. Add melted butter and mix well to combine. Set aside for 10 minutes. Sift flour (B) and milk powder into a mixing bowl. Stir in sugar, salt and corn oil. Add egg yolk and stir in water. Work the ingredients together to form a smooth and fine dough. Leave aside for 10 minutes. Roll out pastry (A) into a rectangle. Roll out pastry (B) into a rectangle twice the size of (A). Place pastry (B) in the centre of pastry (A). Fold over both sides to overlap. Roll out flat. Fold the pastry into four or quart